FCO issues travel warning for UK tourists, terrorism threat in Morocco

FCO issues travel warning for UK tourists, terrorism threat in Morocco - Γεια σου φίλε MOVE ΣΗΜΕΡΑ ΝΕΑ, Στο άρθρο που διαβάζετε αυτή τη φορά με τον τίτλο FCO issues travel warning for UK tourists, terrorism threat in Morocco, έχουμε προετοιμαστεί καλά για αυτό το άρθρο μπορείτε να διαβάσετε και να κατεβάσετε τις πληροφορίες σ 'αυτό. ελπίζουμε πλήρωση των θέσεων άρθρο ΑΘΛΗΤΙΣΜΟΣ, άρθρο ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑ, άρθρο ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ, άρθρο ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΣ, άρθρο ΥΓΕΙΑ, άρθρο HEAVY, γράφουμε μπορεί να καταλάβει. Λοιπόν, καλή ανάγνωση.

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FCO issues travel warning for UK tourists, terrorism threat in Morocco

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για FCO issues travel warning for UK tourists, terrorism threat in Morocco

Amidst increased threat of terrorism in Morocco the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)  has updated its travel advice on 20 March.

The travel advisory released real like- Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in  Morocco. You should be vigilant at all times.

In December two women hiking in the Atlas Mountains were murdered while in April 2011 a large explosion due to a bomb in Marrakech at the Argana Restaurant in Djema el-Fna Square led to the killing of 17 people and injuring 25.

According to the FCO the Moroccan authorities have warned of an increased threat linked to the number of Moroccans sympathetic or belonging to Daesh earlier known as ISIL  along with other extremist group and there has been regular report on the disruption of terrorist cells across the country.

Attacks against the government installations , public spaces and tourist sites have  been reported to occur by some of the cells intending to  carry out attacks in Morocco.

Further the FCO has warned that the attack might be indiscriminate or might be targeting the foreigners. In areas surrounding hotels and popular tourist’s sites there will be protective security measures and security personnel.

Other than the disrupted territory of  Western Sahara , the FCO doesn’t currently advise against travel to anywhere in Morocco.

Every year around 650,000 visitors from the UK come to Morocco and most visits are trouble free.

Έτσι, το άρθρο FCO issues travel warning for UK tourists, terrorism threat in Morocco

δηλαδή όλα τα άρθρα FCO issues travel warning for UK tourists, terrorism threat in Morocco Αυτή τη φορά, ελπίζουμε ότι μπορεί να προσφέρει οφέλη σε όλους σας. Εντάξει, μπορείτε να δείτε σε μια θέση σε άλλα άρθρα.

Τώρα διαβάζετε το άρθρο FCO issues travel warning for UK tourists, terrorism threat in Morocco η διεύθυνση του συνδέσμου https://movetodays.blogspot.com/2019/03/fco-issues-travel-warning-for-uk.html

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